Monday, September 05, 2005

Speech made by Helen Dew at the launch of the book

HMHP Launch speech – Helen Dew – 09.07.05

Deirdre, when one considers your background in maths and your fascination with figures it’s hardly surprising that you’d write a book about money!

The merging of this interest with your long standing commitment to environmental and social issues, as well as your tendency to question commonly held assumptions, have underpinned your determination to look beyond symptoms of dysfunctional systems to their root causes.

In the course of your very thorough research for HMHP you have gained considerable co-operation from an impressive network in the monetary reform community.

Through your dedication to learning and writing you have gained the well earned respect of many at the forefront of the currency movement, amply demonstrated by the very positive comments about HMHP already made by national and international authorities. NZ’s Prue Hyman said that your book “should be read by everyone concerned about social justice and the survival of the planet and humanity.”

I also quote Margrit Kennedy, whose 2001 visit to NZ inspired you to focus on this most important work: the transformation of the money system, to enable exchange systems that work positively for people and planet. In her message of congratulations to you Margrit wrote: “Deirdre’s book is ‘economics for everyone’ in the very best sense”

In Healthy Money, Healthy Planet you have explained in clear and convincing manner the inescapable connection between the design of the money system and intolerable pressures being placed on the environment and society.

In his forthcoming report to the Club of Rome, member Stefan Brunnhuber says “The money system is the most overlooked topic within the sustainability debate.”

I believe that HMHP will not only make a powerful contribution to increased monetary literacy, but by your comprehensive coverage of creative and tested exchange options you will also engender among your readers hope for a secure and sustainable future for generations to come, and access to the tools to make this possible.

Deirdre, getting HMHP published has taken skill, determination, commitment and courage! You can take pride in having created a reliable and vital resource in the drive for necessary re-localisation as communities grapple with the effects of ‘peak oil’.

I congratulate you and all who have contributed to the creation of this most important book, and now take great pleasure in declaring HMHP launched.

Deirdre, I sincerely trust that your book will prove to be a significant catalyst towards a paradigm shift in thought, action and outcome in the economic, environmental and social realm in New Zealand and beyond, translating the title of your book into reality!

Here’s to Deirdre, and to the success of Healthy Money, Healthy Planet!

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